Flourishing to Crisis in Christchurch

Kia Ora!! (Māori for "Hello"  or "Welcome") 

March was filled with daily meetings listening and learning all that we could glean from the leadership of Christchurch. Here are some highlights . . .

Small Group Sumner Beach.jpg

March 3rd - We joined the young adults and leadership of Latimer Church (a “disassociated” Anglican church) to pray for their evening service. We're encouraged by the Lord’s hand on this predominantly young adult membership and the next generation to carry the legacy of Jesus.

March 4th - We met Big George and Kay Scrimshaw (far left in pic) for coffee and to discuss the strategies and plans of God to strengthen His church. George, a native of Christchurch, had been owner of a successful insurance business while dedicating much of his time building the Kingdom of Heaven throughout his career. He continues to be a key business leader.


March 5th - Rebecca had her weekly coffee with some friends from Grace Church (Kathleen and Robin) and Charley had the opportunity to share at an Anglican Ash Wednesday service about our mission work and calling to Christchurch.


That afternoon we joined Barry Botherway, retired Christchurch executive, for a trek in the Cashmere Hills above Christchurch to pray over the area and hear their plans for a large, 24 hour/day, prayer facility. It was a beautiful place and an amazing dream that is becoming a reality.

March 6th - Enjoyed breakfast with the Dewhirsts,(our dairy farmer friends and New Life leaders) and caught them up on some of the outcomes of our ministry time in NZ. Mike summarized our sharing that the Lord had provided favor over all the door openings and relationships we had made and how He would be able to use that for the future.

March 7th - Met with Ken Lord, the founder/managing partner of one of the largest firms in Christchurch - Parryfield Lawyers. Ken, a strong voice in the business community, is an important encourager for what currently exists as Marketplace Ministry gatherings. It was an honor to learn about his story and encouraging that there is a group of about 10-15 executive businessmen that meet regularly to share their walk with one another. In addition, one of his new partners, Steven Moe, quarterly hosts a Christian business persons breakfast with speaker and an annual Christian attorney conference. It was great to meet both of these lawyers that seem to be strongly compelled to see the marketplace used in building the Body of Christ.

Above - Volunteered at Asian Language School and their subsequent worship service.


March 9th - Enjoyed 4 different congregational worship services anchored by Grace Vineyard and followed on to St. Andrews Anglican, Trinity South, and Latimer Church.

March 10th - Charley enjoyed his regular Monday meeting with Pastor Tim Capill from Latimer. Always includes some lively theological discussions.


Then it was followed by our weekly prayer meeting with leadership/members of Grace to pray over the “church”, Christchurch, and New Zealand.

March 11th - Met with the founder/Senior pastor of North City Church, Donald Scott. He has such passion for the Maori indigenous population and a genuine heart to see the greater church of Christchurch grow together. Loved his person and story. We have some unique parts of our journey in common. This was followed by a terrific time with Wes Chandler, the co-lead pastor of Living Waters Church, part of the New Life Church movement, which has been meeting in a huge white tent since the earthquake. A strong man of God with a beautiful heart for Jesus.

March 12th - We met with Sarah Jane Peez, the Co-Executive Pastor, from Grace Vineyard (City Campus). What a wonderful story about how God has walked her through multiple gates of opportunity to now leading one of the largest congregations in Christchurch. She is a very special leader and God is using her to His glory. Born in Zimbabwe, grew up in England and married a Kiwi. We connected at many points in her story but particularly her business background. Looking forward to getting back and continuing to worship with Grace Vineyard. 

March 15th - Our last Friday in Christchurch before wrapping up our deployment in New Zealand in Wanaka. It was a preparation day for travel. We had several ministry meetings planned and lodging secured for the next several days there.


And then the news came in! March 15 turned out to be the most tragic and dark day in the history of Christchurch and New Zealand. 50 New Zealand Muslims terrorized/murdered and 50 wounded. The days of NZ innocence lost! When we realized the extent of the crisis, we reached out to Josh Holland, Executive Director for BGEA RRT Chaplaincy and Stewart Beveridge, Regional Manager for Australia/New Zealand. Saturday morning after the attack we went down to the mosque and Hagley Park to prayer walk the area while waiting to hear from Stewart. We had the opportunity to minister to a distraught Christchurch resident and several first responders at the mosque crime scene area. They were very grateful for our presence and prayer.

After 24 hours, Stewart was on the ground and reached out to us but unfortunately, by that time, we had driven the five hour trip to Wanaka. It was then that we began discussing how we and BGEA RRT could have the greatest response together during this crisis of terror. Much transpired over the next few days and fortunately we were able to "pass-on" some of our relationship capital in Christchurch allowing Stewart the ability to get better traction as he brought the gifts and talents of BGEA RRT. Having been invited to the Christchurch leadership/pastor response gathering, I was able to have Stewart included as well.


To enhance Stewart's introductions, I flew back to Christchurch for that meeting on Tuesday AM. Stewart was acknowledged by Ken Shelley, Christchurch's facilitator of  the 120 pastors gathered. It was at this meeting that BGEA RRT teaching and briefing services were announced. After one earthquake and a mass terrorist event in 8 years, it is likely that the Chaplaincy Corp will be much needed in the future. Even more importantly, it was so encouraging to see the unity of those there coming together and working as “the one church and many congregations” of the city of Christchurch. This quip from Intercessor/Revivalist, Sally Curham sums up much of what everyone was feeling. "After the massive earthquake, threatening fires, flooding and now the massacre, no one will ask ‘Where is Christchurch?’ when God starts pouring out His miracles!" We are praying for that! For such a time as this . . . 

Wanaka - Friday Shabbat at The Zula Lodge / Charley with the Wells family - lovers of Jesus and champion snow skiing athletes.

Winding Down in Wanaka
We ended our time in NZ back in Wanaka. Those last days were spent reconnecting with "old" friends, prayer walking and ministry at The Zula Lodge (the Israeli outreach mentioned in our first post). We also had the opportunity to attend the ordination of a young pastor, Aaron Johnstone, to the Presbytery. Also, we witnessed his new church plant opening. 

So Long for Now and Going Home
It was bittersweet as we left both Wanaka and Christchurch. We have been blessed to meet and pray with amazing people and walk countless miles asking for God's favor over NZ and especially Wanaka and Christchurch, and for the deeper healing that is so badly needed. The nation stands now at only 33% of the population identifying as Christian. (The US is 76%) They have the highest teen suicide and domestic violence rate per capita among countries that report those statistics. A consistent theme among most of the churches was a longing for the Holy Spirit to sweep through their churches, cities and all of NZ. Please pray with us for this request so that this gem in the Pacific as a nation will once again embrace their Christian heritage and the joy and blessing that comes with that.

Charley returns for several important meetings in May! Stay tuned . . .

We were incredibly blessed to experience God over and over connecting us and giving us favor in ways that only He could’ve done and you who have been so faithful to pray for us are a large part of that blessing. He moved because you asked! Thank you!!

"Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn
and settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
Ps. 139:7-10